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Current Projects

Community-driven projects

Environmental Justice


Health, Recovery, and Mutual Aid

In Chicago, the COVID-19 pandemic hit our city’s black and brown communities the hardest. But we're working hard to bring resources and recovery to the far Southside. Learn more about our health equity work here.

Solar on the Southside

We are working hard to make sure far south side residents don’t get left out of the clean energy economy! Learn more about how to become part of the growing solar energy field here.

Healthy and Affordable Housing for All


Everyone should have access to safe, healthy and affordable housing no matter where they live.

PCR works with the Chicago Housing Initiative to preserve Chicago’s existing public housing stock and expand public and affordable housing to all areas of the city. Further, we work to expand energy efficiency and building electrification in public and affordable housing. These measures improve indoor air quality, make homes more comfortable and reduce utility costs all while reducing greenhouse gas emissions to help address the climate crisis. As state lead of the Illinois Energy Efficiency for All Coalition, we help guide policy and implementation to hold utility companies, elected officials and businesses accountable to equitably expanding energy efficiency and building decarbonization for low-income residents.

If you're interested in knowing more about your rights as a tenants, or learning more about programs that can help save you money and save the planet - check out our Community and Neighborhood Page here.

Fair Economic Development

Photo courtesy of CTA

Working toward community-driven reinvestment for the far southside.

CTA Redline Extension

With a number of development projects coming to our neighborhood including the CTA Redline Extension and riverfront revitalization projects, PCR is working to ensure these projects benefit community members rather than displace them - and that residents are involved in each step of the process- from participating in planning and visioning sessions to securing jobs constructing and maintaining new infrastructure. We’re organizing to leverage opportunities, including historic designation of Altgeld Gardens, the City of Chicago's budget priorities for environmental justice and the far southside, and the federal Justice 40 Initiative that will secure needed resources including access to fresh food, youth programming and jobs.

C-building Campaign

In 2021, PCR successfully stopped Chicago Public Schools from its planned demolition of the historic C building at Altgeld Gardens on the far South Side of Chicago. Late August 2024, PCR was granted ownership of Building C from CPS’ Board of Education. Newly under PCR's ownership, the C Building will be revitalized to a life which restores the Green Vision of Altgeld Gardens: Hazel M. Johnson Institute for Sustainability and Environmental Justice.

The Hazel M. Johnson Institute aims to provide a historic landmark and educational institution in the center of Altgeld Gardens, that is 100% sustainable.

Donate Here to support the community's vision of the C Building.

A New Vision for Altgeld Gardens

In 2021, our community came together to stop the demolition of the Historic C Building in Altgeld Gardens. This initial win was a huge achievement, but we’re not stopping there. PCR is now leading community visioning efforts to engage and inspire residents around what we want to see in our neighborhood - things like a grocery store, clean energy job training, youth programming, outdoor recreation and more. To learn more, click here.

Hazel Johnson EJ Legacy

Hazel Johnson presentation

Hazel's Legacy

Education and Trainings

At the first National People of Color Environmental Leadership summit in Washington, D.C. in 1991, Hazel worked with her peers from communities across the country to create the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice, a guidepost still used by organizers today. Part of Hazel's legacy includes educating and empowering future generations of leaders in the environmental justice movement. Click here to learn about PCR's trainings for youth and young adults.

Help This Garden Grow Podcast

Help This Garden Grow is a new podcast docuseries telling the story of Hazel Johnson, a visionary of the Environmental Justice movement and a resident of the Altgeld Gardens community on the far South Side of Chicago. Hazel is the founder of People for Community Recovery, a 40 year-old organization that fights to address the toxic industrial pollution that has been killing the members of her community. Over the course of the multigenerational multipart documentary, hosts Damon Williams and Daniel Kisslinger talk with organizers, policy- makers, historians, and community members about how PCR emerged and led, the legacy of Ms. Johnson's work, and how this marginalized Chicago pocket built the lineage of today's vibrant, impactful, and necessary modern environmental justice movement. Help This Garden Grow is presented by Respair Production & Media, Elevate, and People for Community Recovery. Available on all podcast streaming platforms.

PCR Summer Youth Program - Applications for the program are currently closed.

Between July and August, high school aged applicants will learn about environmental justice, aspects of environmental science, pollution, invasive and native species, clean energy, advocacy work and available jobs, as well as a plethora of softer skills like self-care and problem solving. At the conclusion of the 6 weeks, participants will have the option to engage in a Youth Organizing Board, working alongside PCR to give youth a voice within the organization.

Past Programs + Impact

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C building

Saving the Historic C Building

Lobby day

Climate and Equitable Jobs Act

Support Our Projects

The work for justice, equity and freedom takes all of us! There are many ways to lend a hand. From artists to researchers, event planners to technical experts, our partners and volunteers bring a wide range of gifts and interests. Join us today!

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Interested in working with us or want to know more about how to get involved? Let us know. We can't wait to hear from you.


It takes ongoing support to sustain our movement. Join our community of monthly contributors or donate to your favorite PCR program to lend your support.